Randomized Control Trials

Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are the basic most bias-free impact evaluation method. The units of analysis (frequently being people) are randomly assigned to a so-called treatment group, i.e. the group exposed to certain policy intervention (e.g. active labor market policy, or training), while the rest serve a control group. Then, pre-selected outcomes (e.g. employment or wages) are compared between the two groups.

Rachel Glennerster and Kudzai Takavarasha developed an excellent Practical Guide for RCTs. The Partnership for Economic policies developed a toolbox “Impact Evaluation Using Stata

Finance Impaq is deeply engaged in understanding the mechanism of work of processes and programs and hence is able to apply rigorous and up-to-date econometric methods to reveal the effects of such processes and programs.

Finance Impaq relies on Stata for conduct of impact evaluations.

Our economists went through a rigorous training on impact evaluation provided by the Partnership for Economic Policy (January – March 2017), followed by a wrap-up workshop in Nairobi, Kenya, 8-12 June 2017.